As I embark on my 26th year as a choral director at the same high school, I find myself reflecting on the journey we’ve taken, especially the challenges we faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s this relentless drive to improve and adapt that has kept our choral program moving forward.

Like many of my fellow choral directors, we experienced a significant slump due to the pandemic. However, I’m proud to share that we’ve not only survived but have fully overcome this setback. Our enrollment has returned to pre-COVID levels, and the energy within our program is more positive than ever before.

The secret to our resurgence? Our commitment to evolving with the changing needs of our students. Over the past several years, our students required a great deal of individual attention and support. While we move away from the COVID era, I’ve noticed a shift in these needs towards a desire for increased efficiency in the classroom. Despite this, we recognize that extenuating circumstances and individual needs persist, prompting us to make necessary policy modifications.

Here are ten significant changes I’ve implemented in our choir program this year:

1. Daily Smartboard Schedule

To ensure a smoother rehearsal flow, I now list the daily schedule on the smartboard. This not only mentally prepares students for the day’s activities but also helps them organize their music accordingly, reducing transition time between pieces.

2. Bathroom Policy Revamp

Our previously lax bathroom policy needed an overhaul. We’ve introduced a “red card/green card” system. Students can leave the room only when the card is green and must flip it when they depart. Additionally, they are required to sign out when leaving the room. This system allows us to monitor exits and ensures minimal disruptions during rehearsals.

3. Centralized Schedule Bulletin Board

Recognizing the importance of tangible information, I’ve established a central bulletin board displaying schedules for multiple officer meetings, evening rehearsals, and other essential updates. This complements digital accessibility and ensures no one misses important dates.

4. Streamlined Google Classroom

To enhance user-friendliness, I’ve simplified our Google Classroom by organizing it into clear categories, featuring only the most important information.

5. Utilizing ParentSquare

We’ve adopted our district’s new communication app, ParentSquare, to keep parents better informed, replacing Remind and Groupme. Leveraging its strengths, we intend to provide crucial updates through this platform.

6. Innovative Make-Up Lessons

Our make-up lessons now offer a unique educational experience distinct from missed lessons. We focus on ear training and sight-singing on one day and a cappella arranging on another, enticing more students to attend these valuable sessions.

7. Physical Calendar Use

Instead of relying solely on digital calendars, I’ve started using our school district’s printed calendar, allowing me to visualize daily activities and make physical additions as needed.

8. Comprehensive School-Year Planning

I’ve meticulously planned the entire school year, including ensemble rehearsals and officer meetings, to enhance accountability and minimize calendar conflicts.

9. Grading Policy Pyramid

Our new grading policy resembles a pyramid, reflecting an emphasis on foundational skills and building mastery.

10. A-Cappella Club Shift to Evenings

To accommodate busy schedules and avoid conflicts, most a cappella club rehearsals now take place on Monday evenings, ensuring consistent participation among our 98 student-run groups.

In conclusion, our ability to adapt and evolve has been the driving force behind our choral program’s success. As we continue to navigate changing circumstances, these ten changes represent our commitment to staying ahead and providing the best possible experience for our students.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and here’s to another year of harmony and growth.

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